Sunday, July 18, 2010

stockpiling groceries 101

Many of you have been asking me what teh best way to save on your grocery bill is. Well, All you Magazine (one of my favorite magazines!) has made that answer extrmemly simple for me. here is a great article from their July issue.
You will have to click on each individual step, but it's well worth reading!

"but missy, I don't have the money to spend that much extra right now". Truth is... neither do I... but, what I've been doing is similar. I make my list based off the recipes I plan to use. Then, I search online for every and all coupons I can find to help me get extra savings on these items. I bring my coupons in a seperate envelope that I will mostly likely be using, but I bring ALL my coupons along, in search of those amazing deals. If I find something on sale for dirt cheap and I have coupons, I spend a lil extra of my grocery budget to stockpile, that way, I won't have to buy it the next time at a higher price. It's the best I can do until I can get that big stockpile of my dreams to really reduce my grocery bill.

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