Thursday, September 8, 2011

zuchinni and summer squash

I joined a CSA this year, it has been wonderful getting fresh organic veggies for a pretty reasonable amount. Each Wednesday I enjoy going and picking up my veggies. Almost every week there is at least one thing that I'm just not quite sure what to do with it, or that I can have more than my share of. Eggplant and chard I'm still trying to figure out things the whole family will eat. I know there is no hope for zuchinni or summer squash, with one exception.. zuchinni bread! Since I don't have enough room in the freezer to store shredded zuchinni yet, I opted for an old family favorite, and added a twist.. summer squash.. why.. because I had so much I didn't know what to do with it all!


zuchinni, sliced or chunked, your choice
summer squash (optional), sliced or chunked
stewed tomatoes
mozzarella cheese.
olive oil

in a large frying pan (which fairly hair sides)pour a bit of olive oil in and heat to medium. slice or chunk your zuch's and summer squash, and place it in the pan. after all of your veggies are in the pan, add stewed tomatoes, enough to cover the veggies. cover with a lid, and cook until the zuch's and summer squash are about as tender as you want them. then add shredded mozzarella cheese, and allow to melt. mix into the veggies and then serve.

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