Friday, September 18, 2009

homemade Sangria (non-alcoholic!)

This recipe is from one of my FB friends from Venezuala.. it sounds divine!

You need grape juice from red or blue grapes, marinate fresh peaches, chop in slices one orange unpeeled, one stick of cinnamon bark and if you have a few strawberries to boot, well that's only better. Let marinate in the fridge at least 24 hours. You can mix it with club soda to give some bubbles to it. use organic fruits,

wine bottle tiki torch!

here is very simple instructions for a wine bottle tiki torch.. you can make it for about 5 bucks! Gotta love that!

Friday, September 11, 2009

natural remedy for gas in babies

as always I try to post good recipes that bear preserving for one reason or another. I know not everyone needs this, but we all pretty much know someone who is pregnant or who has an infant.. and its good stuff to know so you don't have to give them mycelon drops all teh time!

1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds boiled in 3/4 cups water...warm a teapot by rinsing with hot tap water. Place all seeds into the warmed pot and cover with boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes and allow brew to cool